♥♡- Hey by request i made a in world shop for you to go check out the castles :D -♥♡
I am proud to present to you. The Dark Lord Castle
A beautiful Dark castle / mansion / empire sourounded by huge dark Cliff's and rocks that goes in to the castle as well. Making it seam as if the castle has been build in to a masiv dark rock. As you se the castle you will notice the Waterfall and huge detailed pillers that will stun you as you walk up the stairs, just to open the doors to a amazing wiew.
( plants, bushes, Munk statues, dark stone floors in the front and fountain is not included. Only used for pictures)
its made mostly with Mesh, but the flooring are prim, so it is easy for you to rezz your items directly on the floor.
The castle includes:
1: Floor
Open impressive main hall with waterfall
Big Living room
The moast amazing spot with huge windows and detailed pillers
one room.
2: Floor
2 big rooms
The foot size is 50 M X 62 M and the land impact is only 1272
This beautiful Building comes in a Rezbox and is easy to move.
Hope you enjoy and never hesitate to send me a Notecard with questions or issues.
OBS !!! It may say no modify and transfer in your inv. But that is the script in side..... everything els you can copy and modify as you wish :D
* Using V.M.M (Viewer-Managed Marketplace), meaning the item(s) go directly from my inventory into yours. No risk of losing the item(s) during delivery.
It is best to be in world when you buy, to be sure it comes through. Please [Accept] the item(s) when delivered. If you [Decline] or [Crash], don’t hesitate to IM me for help or a redelivery.