Warning !!!
- When you put one of these scripts into your object, your object will disappear, it does NOT go into your trashcan !!!
- Make sure you use only copy objects.
Recieve 4 scripts, the countdown starts:
- When the item is rezzed (On Rez)
- When the item is rezzed (On Rez) & Countdown in chat.
- When you drag the script inworld (Inworld)
- When the object is touched (By Touch)(Anyone)
How to use the scripts:
- Before you drag the script into your object, you can change the countdown time to delete.
- Right click on the script while it is in your Inventory and select "Open".
- Change in the first line, the number 60.
- 60 means 1 minute to delete the object.
- It is expressed in seconds.
- If you want no countdown, change the number to 0 (zero).
- Your object must be modify to put the script in.
- When worn on Avatar, the delete function has no effect!.
- All scripts have full permissions.
- Notecard how to use.
Have fun :)
Good luck with the scripts.
- Full Permissions
- Notecard how to use
thank you
Same good as scripts for 500 L$ and more.
3 Scripts for one price - and works perfectly!!