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Demo Bow Corset (Belleza)

Demo Bow Corset (Belleza)

This fitted mesh corset for women is designed for use with Belleza brand mesh bodies. It comes in 3 standard sizes (Freya, Isis and Venus) and is copiable.

This demo is used for the following clothing sets:

Bunny Belleza Corset
Floral Belleza Corset
Lace Belleza Corset
Shamrock Belleza Corset

To find the products for which this demo was created, please search for the above terms using the "Search This Store" tab at the top of the page.

This item is No Transfer -- to give it as a gift, use the "Add To Cart As Gift" button on the upper right of this page.

  • For Belleza brand mesh bodies
  • Wearable
  • Copiable
  • 3 standard sizes included
  • Demo