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9 Reviews

the Demo Rezzer show´s you things.

Demo Rezzer Instruction

Setup ist very easy:

1. Rez a Demo-Rezzer
2. For preparing your Objects, rez a Rezz-Plate and your object
3. Link the Rezz-Plate as root with your Object and name it as you want
4. Take the linked object back to your inventory and place it to the root of the Demo Rezzer.
5. Now you can setup the showing tie for your object. Simply write the seconds to show in the description field of the Demo-Rezzer (0 = endless or 30 = 30 sec)

Display (optional):
Link the Disply with the Demo-Rezzer. Demo-Rezzer must be root.
(This shows the name of the current displayed object as HoverText)

The Vendor can point to a nearby selling vendor with particles.

1.Link the Demo-Rezzer with the VendorFinder (Demo-Rezzer must be root)
2.Name your selling vendor like showing object of the Demo-Rezzer

!!! IMPORTANT: The Demo-Rezzer must be always the root !!!

If you want your objects rotating, place the”slow rotation” script to your object.

If you want a invisible RezzPlate use the “clear” texture.

You can change and design your Demo-Rezzer as you want, but make sure your RezzPlate´s high must be 0.20.

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted September 24, 2021 by NardoChains

well, that vendor let rezzed the displays item, and would be better if instead had a pic of each one, a unique pic with arrows to navigate then rezz these objects to see, so if you have a store to rezz static objects, this may be a bit useful.
for the price is good but
isnt complete as a vendor system

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 01, 2009 by PatrickHufschmid Diabolito

great product, work perfect. if you dont want the particle and vendors and only the rezzer simply take off the appropriate prim, you can also edit the stand as you wish, great stuff

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L$ 299

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Sold by: Di Dixon

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