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Dinkie Waltz of the Flowers Full Outfit - HYDRANGEA (rez)

Dinkie Waltz of the Flowers Full Outfit - HYDRANGEA (rez)

Waltz of the Flowers Full Outfit comes in 5 Colors. Please see RELATED ITEMS below to view all colors. Dresses work with classic and BOM Dinkie avatars.

Perms Vary: Dress and underskirt are copy only. Bracelet, bow in the back, and 5 wearable flowers are COPY and MODIFY. The 5 flowers attach to the following: 3 on the feet, one on the dress top and one for the hair. You could copy the flowers and add as many more as you'd like. You'd need to know how to do this, so ask a friend.

A partial demo of the dresses and the bow in the back are available. Demo items will be copy only but the purchase product contains perms as listed above.

Bracelet resizes all ways; you could even make it thin. You must know how to resize and reposition items. If you don't, ask a friend or ask at Builder's Brewery for help. It's easy once you know how ~!

Please see my inworld profile for any inworld locations I may currently have. Please join Raglan Shire and Small Talk groups for info to all the best Dinkie events. Dinkie avatars are sold separately by Etheria Parrott and are not included with outfits.