G General

Dirty Rat - Wooden Rowboat

Dirty Rat - Wooden Rowboat

It is a 100% handcrafted original mesh rowboat with several different animations. It carries three persons but can also be paddled single-handedly. You can choose animations, textures, permissions from a menu.


* 12 LI
* Texture changer menu / Choose the COLORS menu
* Menu security settings / ALL / OWNER / GROUP /
* Seating for 3 persons
* 12 animations
* Physical smooth moves
* It's works on Linden waters
* You can easily adjust the animations from menu.

NOTE : Resizing changes Land Impact of the item.

Permissions : COPY, MOD(except scripts), NO TRANSFER

If you have any questions ? Don't hesitate to contact me via NC. I will contact you as soon as possible !

~Dirty Rat~™

  • 5 different textures
  • 12 animations
  • Physical smooth moves - Works on Linden waters
  • Material enabled
  • 12 LI