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Domicile: Interessovat Skybox

Domicile: Interessovat Skybox
Domicile: Interessovat Skybox
0 Reviews

Me dorogoy Droogs!

Behold, me starry domy: Interessovat. It's bolshy is 30m x 30m and it has 72 primlies. Spend a nochy oddy-knocky and skaz you're not poogly. Domy, sladky domy, eh?


In non-Nadsat: My dear friends! See this ancient house; it's of interest. It's size is 30m x 30m and it's a total of 72 prims. Spend a night alone here and tell me you're not scared. Home, sweet home, eh?

Interessovat is a two-storey skybox with an outside surround. Outside, you'll find a worn old city road and delapidated buildings. Inside, the decor is grungy and shabby. Two small side rooms downstairs, and a large room from which an old staircase rises up into two equally-large rooms. Note: all rooms are windowless.

Interessovat comes packed in a Rez Faux box in the following sections:

- Base & surround: 3 prims
- Building: 33 prims
- Road: 11 prims
- Road surround: 4 prims
- Door surrounds: 4 prims
- Fireplace: 17 prims

The Rez Faux box totals 2 prims, so you'll need at least 74 prims to rez this skybox for the first time. Prim count can be lowered by (once rezzed) removing the road and road surround (if you remove the road, you MUST remove the road surround, as it's fitted around the road itself). This will knock the prim count down to 57. Removing the fireplace will bring it down further to just 40.

All items in this building are modifiable, except for the door scripts, which are no-mod. The doors are still modifiable, should you wish to add your own privacy/security scripts.

  • Shabby, grunged textures
  • Outer surround with trompe l'oeil buildings
  • Multiple rooms
  • Rez-Faux assembly

L$ 75

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Sold by: Skell Dagger

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Land Impact: 72