G General

Donation Board Version 1.0

Donation Board

Thank you for showing interest in the Donation Board brought to you by MBC. Below is a list of features.

* Split profits from the board to any number of avatars and define each avatars percentage share
* Top 5 donors are shown on the board in descending order
* Notecard configuration & menu controlled
* Partial mesh 15LI
* Super easy to use and perfect for any club
* Free updates for life

Setting up the board:
1). Rez the board from your inventory on to the ground.
2). It will go through its setup and import its settings.
3). (If you are not going to be doing profit splitting simply ignore the message in local chat. Otherwise skip ahead to the profit split setup instructions in this notecard.)
4). Once the settings are imported, the board will ask you for debit permissions, this is to ensure the board can process payments from other avatars correctly. It's important you Accept these permissions otherwise the board will not function correctly.
5). You are ready! The board will now accept payments and upon being paid will show the top 5 donations as well as their amounts on the board in text.

Setting up Profit Split
Setting up the profit split is really simple. You must know the keys/uuids of the avatars that will be receiving a percentage. You can locate this information in their profile. Once you have their keys, follow the next few steps.

1). Within the donation board there is a notecard called 'people' this notecard is where you will enter the profit split information.
2). All percentages you add to the notecard must total 100%
3). The notecard is constructed with the percentage number separated with a coma and then their key is appended to the end. Example...


^ This will give 50% of the profits to Stevoid Resident

4). You can add as many people to the notecard as you wish by creating a new line and adding the next persons percentage and key but ensure the percentages added together equal 100.
5). Save the notecard and the board will read its settings and ask for debit permissions. You can accept these permissions as mentioned in step 4 of setting up the board.
6). If you get split errors, review the notecard and make sure you don't have any redundant blank lines and the amounts equal 100.

See item in Second Life
  • split profits between infinite avatars
  • notecard config
  • easy to use
  • updates for life