No more clicking on doors to open or close.
Automatic open/close scripts for double doors.
Menu controlled with the following options:
- Automatic or manual.
- Door sounds on/off.
- Clockwise or counter clockwise rotation.
- Adjustable swing angle: 10-175 degrees.
- Adjustable sensor range: (2-20m).
- Lock function: When it is set to manual, only the owner can open/close the doors.
- The doors where this script is in can be linked to other parts but works also in unlinked state.
- The menu appears only for the owner.
- You can use as many door combinations as you need by setting different channels.
- Your doors or objects must be modify to put the script in.
- Notecard included "How to put the script in a door".
- This scripts are no modify and no transfer.
- The sounds are generated from the script.
- Adjustments easily by menu, no script knowledge required.
Good luck with the doors.
If you have no idea how to make a door, use the Door Creator Script. This will do it for you. Also available in this store.
- Can swing 2 ways.
- Notecard how to use.
- Can also be linked to other parts
- Notecard how to use.
Scripts work perfectly
I was driving nut with a double door, then following instructions I noticed it had to be uninked.
After half hour of complete frustration I solved it, the scripts are perfect and working fine.
Good luck to the creator 5 stars.