Dozen red roses & Jazmins bouquet- Ideal romantic gift or Happy Mothers day too!
Beautiful new bouquet made of a dozen of red roses and scented jazmins, specially to gift for spring or special dates to your love.
Comes with holding bouquet animation, transfer to send as gift, fully sculpted only 39 prims, wrapped on a perfect transparent cellophane with red and golden ribbons.
If you like it please rate/review it! we will truly appreciatte your time and kindness!
See item in Second Life- red rose
- red roses bouquet
- dozen red roses
- jazmins
- flowers bouquet
I was not expecting that...
I bought the flowers for my wife today. Although the description says that you can transfer the flowers. Unfortunately it's not like that... the best moment burst like a soap bubble! No Mody-No Copy- No transfer! Thank you Aphrodite...
Great item!
Great item, my wife loved these for our anniversary!
L$ 75
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- User Licensed