[DM] // Bloop Grenade
it sends out toxic puddles on impact
[DM] // Cluster Grenade
a energy cluster bomb that dose alot of damage
[DM] // Cryo Grenade
freezes people to death in a block of ice
[DM] // F1 Grenade
standard frag grenade
[DM] // Grav Grenade
it makes gravity heavier for those within blast range 50/50 chance they get crushed to death
[DM] // Napalm Grenade
Fire good yes
[DM] // Rad Grenade
it makes a radiation aoe cloud that kills
[DM] // flashbang
mmm blindness
comes with modifiable gestures
- low lag
- 8 different grenade types
- unique sounds and particles
Great effects, straightforward, would be the best grenade hud if the flashbang didn't make a sound of an ape going wild, literally. Extremely annoying.
Can Easily Kill Yourself
Does not explode on contact, so can bounce back off a wall and explode on yourself.