G General

Duck Bomb

Duck Bomb

Prank your friends, torture your enemies! The duck bomb is specially designed to be as annoying and obnoxious as possible. As a physical object, it can be affected by gravity and other objects, as well as collisions with any of the above, any avatar, and more!

Just spawn one or more duck bomb and leave them laying around for anyone to bump into and they emit a loud 'wah' sound as if a thousand ducks were crying out in pain!

This object is full copy/mod/transfer. Feel free to anything you'd like with them, learn off them, change the sounds out, anything! Just please don't resell them unchanged. If you modify something and resell the modified version, that's fine! I threw this togeather really quick as a gift for my friend, and I hope it brings you as much enjoyment as it brought them!

  • Triggers on collision!
  • Triggers on each other!
  • Triggers on any contact!
  • Loud WAH sound!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great way to annoy friends and neighbors
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 09, 2015 by TBone523

This thing screams whenever someone or something runs into it. If you have headphones, it's probably best to make sure they aren't on full volume before you or something bumps into it, especially if there's a large pile of them. If you're looking to annoy your friends as part of a practical joke, or make the neighbors in the next parcel over for their loud parties they throw every night, this item would be a good place to start, and with full perms, you're able to edit it to your own hearts content.

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