According to The Song of Roland the sword was brought by an angel to Charlemagne who was at the vale of Moriane, and Charles then gave it to Roland. In that poem, the sword is said to be the sharpest sword in all existence.
At the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, Roland took the rearguard to hold off the Saracen army troops long enough for Charlemagne's army to retreat into France. Roland slew a vast number of enemies wielding Durendal. With the sword Roland even succeeded in slicing the right arm of the Saracen king Marsile, and decapitated the king's son, Jursaleu, sending the one-hundred-thousand-strong army to flight.
Roland later attempted to destroy the sword in battle, to prevent it from being captured by the attacking Saracens. But Durendal proved indestructible. After being mortally wounded, Roland hid it beneath his body as he lay dying along with the oliphant, the horn used to alert Charlemagne, before succumbing to his injury.
Legend has it that Durendal was originally the sword of Hector of Troy. It was said to be capable of cutting through giant boulders of stone with a single strike, and be indestructible
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