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Two Tulips

Two Tulips

Brighten up your Second Life home with Dutchie's tulips in a small vase. These beautiful flowers are a perfect way to add a touch of color and elegance to any space.

Click on the tulips to choose between 6 different colors: red, white, orange, yellow, purple, and pink. The color change menu can be set for owner, group, or all. At the land impact of only 1 prim a versatile low prim decor item.

Land impact of 1 prim
Mod and copy
100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek

Come see it inworld at Dutchie!

See item in Second Life
  • Dutchie mesh vase with 2 mesh tulips
  • Low prim decor item, the vase with tulips has the land impact of only 1 prim
  • The mesh flowers are color-changeable
  • vase,mesh vase,vessel,flower holder,jar,pot,urn,flower,flowers,mesh flowers
  • tulip,tulips,mesh tulip,mesh tulips,,dutch tulips,tulp,white,red,pink,yellow