Dvandva Garage Door Script
The garage door script smoothly moves a door up & in / down & out.
- Rotate your build any way you want and the doors will still work.
- Built in auto-move that moves the garage door with the rest of your build!
- Optional open and/or close sound
- Works with builds sold in rezzer boxes.
- Touch to open and close the door(s).
- Select open/close time.
- Set auto-close time
- Can open, close, lock or unlock doors with chat messages.
- Can be grouped together or operate on separate channels.
- Allows access to be set to owner, group, all, a list of names or group + list.
- Dual channels for more flexible control
Can be used with the following accessories available in the Dvandva Door Maker System:
- Keypad to unlock and open doors
- Sensor to open and close door for specified avatar(s)
- Lock switch to close and lock / unlock the door
- Open / Close switches
- Access server to manage access to your doors entirely thru a menu system.
- Group open button
- Smooth 2 axis up & in / down & out movement
- Built in auto move
- Works at any rotation
- Access Control, open & close sounds,
- Compatible with Dvandva Door Maker Accessories
Servicable Script - Lacking Docs
Does what it says on the tin. Smooth movement, easy access control etc.... however, the documentation leaves something to be desired. Advertised both on the product image here and in the instructions notecard as accepting chat commands, even describes how to set what channels its listening on...... and then never tells you what commands the script is listening for... :(
After searching for a while I got upset and purchased the demo version of this scripter's door maker system (not gonna pay $1200 for the full product just to figure out the parts of the documentation they left out) and set up my own channel repeater...
its "door open", "door close", "door lock", and "door unlock"....
there, I fixed it for you. Hope nobody else got stuck and frustrated with this nonsense. Three stars.