:.EARTHWORX.: is a new High Quality Mesh store specializing in Highest Quality Furniture and Decor. :.EARTHWORX.: uses the highest quality animations, made by the best animation creators in Second Life.
This item is EARTHWORX Stained Glass Lantern [V-4]
Click the lamp to turn the glow on or off.
In this box is included:
Stained Glass Lantern [V-4] [Copy/Modify]
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Included here is MP, Flickr and Facebook Links, should you care to follow or like our page, or check out MP!
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/earthworx/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/earthworxsecondlife/
MP: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/177184
Thank you for choosing :.EARTHWORX.: for your Gacha, Furniture and Home Decor Needs.
Loganbrinley Resident (Owner and Designer)