EB Atelier- Gea Dots&Lace Minidresses LiquidMESH (5 Standard sizes)- italian designer Version Dots&Lace

EB Atelier-Italian fashion designer
March 2015
-----------WATCH MOVIES of my items: click on "View Video" at bottom of page--------------------------
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2 Sexy minidresses in the same pack,
•1 in shimmering Dots fabric texture
•1 in Black transparent lace fabric texture
•Coordinated Golden jewels: brooch and earrings with pendant (tiny chain and black shiny stones)
Dress and jewels are unique and exclusive, because they are EB Atelier mesh creations.
Into the folder:
•Gea Dots Minidress in 5 Standard sizes : XXS - XS - S - M - L
•Gea Lace Minidress in 5 Standard sizes : XXS - XS - S - M - L
(see also contents)
•Alpha layer
•Gea mesh Brooch and Earrings (not rigged can be resized with resize menu)
Liquid mesh instruction with inside package Standard sizes and shapes.
(Find it → http://tinyurl.com/qfzes45)
Available also in:
Pink&Lace (pale pink embroidered with black pearls and burgundy transparent lace)
Try the demo version before purchasing
Visit my blog:
See item in Second Life View Video »- 5 Standard sizes Liquid mesh
- Brooch and earrings not rigged, can be resized.
- 1 Minidress Dots fabric texture
- 1 Minidress Transparent Lace fabric texture
L$ 120
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