Dark greetings and thank you for purchasing the EMBRACED Premium Edition Range.
Each Range has been finely crafted with ease of use and low lag in mind
This is something that we have needed for some time now, and NOW we have it! A fantastic design which helps you align the teeth to your specific avatar shape.
***Selectable Show/hide function***
REALISTIC scultpy fangs and gums
Superior quality teeth textures
4 selectable incisors - e.g full or half
Upper and lower Jaws
Show or Hide Fangs at a click of a button
Show both pairs of incisors or just the outside.
Drip blood, venom* or drool saliva* from your teeth.
Venom - available on Demon and Venom editions only
Drool - available on Ripper and Lycan versions only
KROS compatible. If you have a successful bite attempt you will make a crunching bite sound, spurt blood from their neck and blood will begin dripping automatically from your fangs.
Quick select Snarl, Howl*, Roar plus more with sounds.
Howl - Lycan version only.
Snarl automatically.
Smile automatically.
Flicking tongue*Venom edition only.
You can choose any combination at the same time.
***Kindred Enhanced AO***
What was once just one animation is now the main core of our AO. This AO will work with all other animation products sold and made by Kindred Retail. The enhanced AO will automatically disable and re-enable when sitting or resting on any of our products!
***EMBRACED AO Notecard Helper***
For anyone who has tried to configure their AO and failed miserably. This is for you! Drop the Animations you wish to assign into the help and follow the intructions :)
***Premium Scanner***
A low lag Scanning system, scans the immediate area for prey, foe or friends.
Profile link action and KROS profile link.
***Premium Flight Assistance***
As by popular demand we built a flight enhancer to help you get around those high altitudes with ease.
***Custom "Say" messages***
For each action you perform on the HUD can have a Sound and "Say" speach executed. Simlpy edit the notecard
***SEDUCED Premium Edition Prim Eyes Expansion***
Beam from the SEDUCED Premium Hud will fire the Beam in your EMBRACED Fangs. If that doesnt get their attention...
Glow from the Seduced Premium Edition Hud will make your mouth glow also.
All actions are capable of being called via gestures or chat. Examples are now included within the box.
- ***Selectable Show/hide function***
- ***Blood/Venom/Drool***
- ***Snarl/Howl***
- ***Seduction***
Not so good
The teeth are not as pictured / hard to put in place / texture not very well done