A cruise around the Earth and Mars.
The EPSILON Spacecraft is an orbital cruiser that allows you a pleasant flight over the Earth or Mars.
Use the launcher to go with your friends at the most peaceful zone of Second Life®. This orbiter of 1 to 8 passengers capacity, will reach your targeted altitude (between 800m to 4000 m) and will deploy the EPSILON Spacecraft for you and your guests.
In the EPSILON spacecraft, there is a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) dispensor. When you are using these jetpack, you and also all of your guests can experience a space-walk outside the ship. (There is a door back the spacecraft to exit outside.)
The EPSILON spacecraft is equiped of a detachable lander. This shuttle reach the Second Life® troposphere (under 768m) and act as functional vehicle. (4 passengers) The Lander is redeployed just after if someone use one.
Command for the MMU space-walk and for the LANDER:
Left Arrow => Turn Left
Right Arrow => Turn Right
Up Arrow => Forward
Down Arrow => Backward
PageUp => Up
PageDown => Down
No persistent installations.
- The launcher deletes it-self after has rezzed the station.
- The station is programmed to delete it-self after 2 minutes if nobody is present around.
Note: The minimal land size required is 16 X 32 (East - West oriented).
See item in Second Life View Video »- Spaceship with 2 High resolution orbital environments (Earth and Mars).
- Manned Maneuvering Unit dispensor, for an incredible space walk.
- Detachable Lander shuttle (4 passengers).
- Control center.
- Spacious living area with couches or bed.