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*!* EVE & ADAM Tattoo fix finger & toe - for BakeOnMesh - Skin BOM

*!* EVE & ADAM Tattoo fix finger & toe - for BakeOnMesh - Skin BOM

This tattoo are created for EVE BOM but probably he working also on other mesh body :)

Just add the tattoo you want "finger + toes" or "finger" or "toes"
click right on it in your inventory ans choose Edit
in the edit mode you can adjust the RGB as you like
save and it's done ^^

the tattoo are copy modify
so you can creates much you want

the V1- are created in light texture and the V2 are more darken

Have fun cordially

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember any review on market place are welcome this is the best way to encourage me to do all time more for you! Thanks.



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I just dont think it looks good.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 19, 2020 by Missa Amour

I tried to tint it but it just does not look nice.

atleast not with the PEPE V2 Body skin.

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Best that I've found!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 20, 2020 by Led Frenzy

These work well with an old favorite system skin making much more pleasing with my BoM head/body. The best that I've found.

One suggestion though that might make these even more pleasing: currently, your finger tattoo hides just below the first knuckle (most start higher hiding more of the finger texture). Consider modifying a version of the finger tattoo that hides skin between the second knuckle and finger tips, starting just below the second knuckle, hiding less of the finger texture.

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Perfect toes
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 26, 2019 by Gweneth Lange

I only used the v2 toe tattoo and immediately my BoM toes were perfect. Highly recommend

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great product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 15, 2019 by ThomasLevi Hexem

This is amazing, but be aware, not all mesh bodies use standard mapping so this tattoo fixer can only do so much. So don't yell at Ginger if the results aren't what you expect.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2019 by Pome Damour

Marche super bien c’est exactement ce qu’il me fallait ni plus ni moins et ça marche nickel sur mon Bom body

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so cool
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2019 by Magique Magic

perfect for me thank Ginger

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