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*!* EVE- KIT Designer Skin Applier - + nail & make-up 8.4

*!* EVE- KIT Designer Skin Applier - + nail & make-up 8.4
*!* EVE- KIT Designer Skin Applier - + nail & make-up 8.4
2 Reviews

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KIT for EVE designers !

for All EVE "Pulpy and Slim" 8.4

appliers for EVE avatar
Redy to texture with any TGA PNG textures templates (applier use UV of the classique avatar)

This item become fullperm after configuration!

for mor information i invite you ti see all tuto on my YOUTUBE CHANEL

A kit for the creators of Skin:

in this kit you will find "appliers"
they are configure with simple texture TGA or PNG as in the design of SL. (All the textures that you achieve for years to create clothing SL are compatible and therefore usable new)
I invite you to watch the video which will explain how you can employ them.


A kit for the creators of Skin: in this kit:

Applier "injector" of texture.
this applier of textures are Hud,
the user of EVE will rez or wear and a simple clicks inject the new fashion on their EVE-avatar,
for this you will need to set up very simply

(For more explanation on this subject, I invite you to watch the tuto about this)
you could use the same texture of skin like the avatar Classic because EVE have the same UV, you can use all the skin that you would create since many years.
ATTENTION: use only Format without Alpha (use .JPG format)


I invite you to follow this little note to improve your visibility
and the research on the marketplace for the products you want to sell for EVE.
I invite you to write at the bottom of your announcements these few words:
=> To know all product compatible with EVE Avatar, just enter "Evemesh" in one word in the search <=

And add those keywords:
Evemesh, EVE avatar fitted mesh, EveAvatar
Je vous invite a suivre cette petite note pour améliorer votre visibilité et la recherche sur le marketplace pour les produits que vous voulez vendre pour EVE.
je vous invite a ecrire en bas de vos annonces ces quelques mots:

=> To know all product compatible with EVE Avatar, just enter "Evemesh" in one word in the search <=

et ajouter ces mots clefs dans les Keywords:
Evemesh, EVE avatar fitted mesh, EveAvatar


all of my product is under copyright!

Terms of sale:

By purchasing the product fullperm of Ginger Chevalier Absolut Creation
you agree to respect the copyright which follows:
you do not have the permission to give the textures, mesh or Flexibles.
nor as gifts and can not sell them a small price (minimum price accepted and 125 L$)
you do not have permission to sell in fullperm or "copies transfer"

any offender will have a mistaken report and I immediately take the measures
which are imposed on my copyright france as well as from Linden Lab
you will be permanently banned from the list of creators Absolut Creation

En achetant les produit fullperm de Ginger Chevalier Absolut Créationvous
vous engagez a respecter le copyright qui suit:
vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de donner les textures, mesh ou flexibles.
ni comme cadeaux et ne pouvez pas les vendre a petit prix (prix minimum accepté et de 125 L$)
vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de les vendre en fullperm ou "copies transfert"

tout contrevenant aura un abuse report
et je prendrais immediatement les mesures qui s'impose sur mon copyright france
ainsi qu’auprès de Linden Lab
vous serez banni définitivement de la liste des créateurs Absolut Création

DO NOT SELL FOR VERY LOW PRICE ( i don't accepted udder 125L$)

I can not give you any refunds since the package are full permission,
Violations against any of these conditions may cause me to take legal actions against the violator.

See item in Second Life View Video »
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just perfect
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 09, 2015 by sallie Ansar

excellent product and easy to use

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lo voy a usar :D muchas gracias!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 16, 2015 by Michaelmussle11

buenooooooo :D

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L$ 0

Sold by: Ginger Chevalier

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with EVE Avatars
More info
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery