- E C H E L O N -
Contents of crate:
| Rocket Launcher / Weapon
Note from the developer:
| The MRL.04 Rocket Launcher is a simple but effective multi-rocket launcher that allows you to cycle through 4 rocket types. High Explosive Rocket: 7.5 meter radius lethal blast that deals 10 LBA damage, great against avatars. Armor Piercing Rocket: 3 meter radius lethal blast that deals 30 LBA damage, great against LBA armored targets. Lockon Missile: Click once to look for a target high in the air, once locked, click again to fire a seeker at the target. White Phosphorus Rocket: Explodes into many seering hot fires that burn avatars they touch for 10 seconds. Can be detonated manually mid-flight.
| Unpack
| Attach
| Use included gestures to draw / sling the launcher
| Use included sub-fire gesture to cycle rocket types while drawn
| Use included detonate gesture to blow up the white phosphorus rocket mid-flight
| When lockon missile is selected, click once to hear the targeting sound. When you hear the locked on sound, click again to fire a seeker at the target. Works on avatars and vehicles that are high in the air.
| Looking good!
| Grave
| Mokymok Beck (Sounds)
// End]
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