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Eclectica Dragon Staves- green

Eclectica Dragon Staves- green

Hello and thanks for being a customer, as I appreciate the support for what I do, and love knowing that my creations are being used.

There are a few things you will need to know to get the most from your purchase.

All pieces I make are copyable and modifiable. Please make a backup of any piece before you modify it. If you forget, right-click on the item in your inventory and copy/paste it before you detach. That way, you may be able to redeem an unchanged version if you have an oopsy.

Yes they are original mesh, made from scratch, as is everything I sell. (I do love running around Elsweyr, hunting dragons, but I am never going to flog Skyrim rips.)

This pack includes 2 Dragon Staffs. Or Staves, which is probably more correct. One for the right hand and one for the left. Go for it and use them both at once, if you feel that might make you twice as magical, just don't cross the streams.

If you wish to edit size, hue, etc (any of the prim parameters), you may do so by using the edit menu.

Tinting mesh is a little different to tinting prims, as each object behaves as one prim. So instead of editing linked prims, you will need to use the "Select Face" button to choose the part you'd like to tint. The separate faces are:

....the dragon's main body, the dragon's eyes, the staff and the gem. These are separate faces, separately editable. I have used some glow and fullbright on the gem and eyes, and you may certainly turn these off or crank them up to nuclear if you hold your friends or polite society in disregard.

There are two transparent prims attached to the mesh staff.

One is close to the inner gem, and it is a light source. This allows the gem to cast a coloured light over anything within 2m of it. I have not scripted this, as I have full faith in your ability to open the edit menu and tweak to your hearts desire. If you wish to have no light, then by all means turn it off, or unlink and delete this prim. In the words of the kind and sadly late Bob Ross..."It's your world..your universe". If you delete this prim or the script inside, it will not damage the staff, but you may wish to keep a master version.

The other is a scripted prim covering the head of the dragon, and this is a simple and editable particle script, taken from the Particle Lab and popped there for you to play with. Again, if you delete this prim or the script inside, it will not damage the staff, but you may wish to keep a master version.

The two staves each have a hold animation and script inside the main mesh part. This is to allow your avatar to hold the staff while standing and walking. It is designed to lock just the joints needed to do this, and to allow all the rest to go with the flow. There is an ease-in and an ease-out to make this transition "flow" and not jerk you about, because who likes that. The animations affect the shoulder, elbow and wrist on the relevant side and should allow other animations to play. The priorities on the staff animations are 4 (the highest).

Look for a popup that requests your permission on rez/attach. If you cannot see it, SL may have sent it to notifications> system. Just say yes. I am not malicious. Mwahahahah :)

If you find that the staff animation does not appear to work with your animation, I suggest finding a stand and walk that is set to lower than a 4 priority. You will find one that suits.

There are six colour versions. Please scroll down to "Related Items" to view the full range.

A demo pack is available instore.

If you wish to see more, just visit the Eclectica shop in Sinaburoe, or IM Tiffy Vella inworld with any queries.

See item in Second Life
  • Original mesh. Copy & mod.
  • Left and right hands included.
  • Editable light source.
  • Editable particles.
  • Cute butt for a dragon.