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Eclectica 'Mechanika' watch neckpiece-gold

Eclectica 'Mechanika' watch neckpiece-gold

Quality vintage mesh accessories, virtually handcrafted with love. All pieces are copyable and modifiable.

'Mechanika' watches are steampunk styled working timepieces. They are an original mesh creation, unique to Eclectica.

This one is hung from a neck strap, and uses a chest attachment.

The scripts are editable and manually deletable (take a copy first) and the watches have a land impact of 7 prims each, making them very kind to the virtual environment.

These pieces use materials texturing on some surfaces. To see them at their best, use the latest official viewer, and in graphics preferences, check "Advanced Lighting Model".

These feature moving pieces. The hands of course work realistically, and the cogs also gently turn. I have left the rotation scripts used in the cogs as full perm (as they should be in this case), so you can alter the speed if you like to do such things.

At a touch, you can change the time of the watch to a variety of RL cities, as well as second Life Time (Los Angeles).

These are also copy/mod friendly, so you are able to tint the items a little to help with colour matching. Tinting mesh is a little different to tinting prims, as each object behaves as one prim. So instead of editing linked prims, you will need to use the "Select Face" button to choose the part you'd like to tint.

Resizing can be done manually using the edit menu.

If you wish to see more, or pick up a demo of these pieces at the Eclectica shop in Sinaburoe, or IM Tiffy Vella inworld with any queries.

See item in Second Life
  • Unique mesh designs, by original designer.
  • Materials enhanced textures.
  • Low land impact per piece.
  • Free demo packs available inworld.
  • Friendly perms and removable scripts.