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Egozy.Katniss (Tan)Catwa

Egozy.Katniss (Tan)Catwa

EGOZY Paris ©

۞ Head Mesh Applier for Catwa.
(Wearing Candy Head)

What is included with your purchase ?

✔ Body Appliers. (Belleza,Maitreya,TMP,Omega,Slink)

✔ Differents Eyebrows + No Eyebrows Option. (Try Demo)

✔ Lipsticks & Eyeshadows. (Included)

۞ Store Policy

- Every products are NOT Refundable the only refunds accepted are those for accidental double purchases of the same item.

- If you need help please send me a notecard (Nicole Button).

To protect yourself from cheaters, don't click "Buy" until you make sure: the seller is not new in SL, the product has a history of positive reviews, legacy name of the product's real creator (in-world) and that of the Marketplace seller are IDENTICAL.

All Items created by Nicole Button are copyrighted and protected by Linden Labs.


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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 16, 2016 by sovushka06

BUt I have problems with neck. The color of body and Head doesn.t much(( Can you Help me???

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Just Fabulous <3
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 22, 2016 by Kayna Samet

I bought this new applier by Egozy and i just love everything the face is just awesome , the body is also perfect and match very good the face i'm not agree with the previous comment and demo's are not made for nothing, if you don't like something just don't buy.

The body is very smooth and realistic so i'm a big fan of Egozy and i'll buy again other skins ! Thank You Nicole and just keep up the good work !

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 22, 2016 by LeraDanilova

The face is super pretty applied to Catwa Candy and the make-up options are just my style. The chest looks great on Maitreya Lara with the prettiest little nipples ever. However, the skin falls apart below the belly button. The crotch area is overly defined and the legs are a slightly different color than the body and arms. The further down the calves and ankles you go the lighter the color gets.

I don't think I can wear this.
(Also tested Fair)

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