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This is a carefull reconstruction of a real ancient egyptian commoner's house. Houses like these usually belonged to richer farmers, lower ranking temple workers or local merchants.
This is a two room house, built of Nile mudbrick. A sturdy structure that is cool during the day and warm during the night. It includes a small livestock pen.
The structure includes a sculpted walkable ladder, scripted doors and a scripted fireplace with sound and low-lag particle fire effects.
The first room contains a wall altar with a mesh Bastet sculpture, while the second room contains a sculpted support column. All other furniture seen in the screenshots is sold separately, you can get it from my store.
The whole structure is sold as copy&mod, with the exceptions of the doors and scripted fireplace that are copy only (due to the use of high quality 3rd party non-mod scripts).
Faulty !!
This is a faulty build, the wall with the door is broken, the door opens onto the concrete wall ????, which is oval, not square , there is no way to use it, no way to get in, I cant edit and take away the offending Wall sculpt because I can't unlink it, thus its a complete waste of 165$L. Creators should make sure there builds rez correctly before putting them up for sale!! Another one for the inventory garbage delete :(