Another quality product from the warped mind of the Swamp Man
These tracks were out on the Route 666, Highway to Hell sim and were much acclaimed and enjoyed by everyone. Some were more challenging that others but all were a great ride. Now you can have a piece of the Highway to Hell on your own sim.
This racetrack is covers an entire sim land wise 256x256m at 120m tall.
Because of this large area this track covers. It could not be put it in a rezbox. So you have to drag it out of your inventory and rez it manually.
Rez out a prim @ these coordinates X=128, Y=128 on your sim. Either at ground level or up on a sky platform.
Drag from your inventory the grouped object titled “*** Racetrack, *** Prims” directly on top on the prim you just created. The racetrack should rez out and be centered with the sim. But, due to Sl being SL. Some track sections may be slightly out of align and you will need to adjust them as needed.
Now Rez your vehicle and enjoy the ride.
The track and all included pieces are COPY/ MOD/ NO TRANS.
I recommend you using the SD Lap Timer systems with these tracks made by Kyungmee Violet =
For my tracks I highly recommend you use the 6 gate system here =
For the larger tracks like the Rattlesnake, Terrorizer, and the El Diablo you need to use the 12 gate system listed here =
Main reason to have more gates up is because people will cheat to get a better time. Why practice and invest the time to make themselves better and tune their bikes when you can just cheat. So you will have scumbags jumping tracks sections to give themselves a better time on the board. So the more gates you have up the harder it is for people to cheat and the higher the chance that the times on your lap boards will be honestly earned.
Contact me with any questions, or if you would like to see the track and take a test drive. I also build custom tracks to your specifications pretty damn cheap.
Enjoy Your Ride,
SwampBottom Grunfeld
Bikes, Vehicle, Cars, Trucks, Race