G General

Elder Scrolls - Oblivion Gate

Elder Scrolls - Oblivion Gate

Oblivion Gate, fully sculpted and animated!

90% Accurate to the game and includes original sounds.
(can be enabled and disabled via "/9 sound on/off")

29 prims and uses glow. The animated portal effects are almost an exact match to the game.

The portal itself is NOT functional, it will not take you places, but that doesnt mean you cant use Stargate scripts or anything similar to MAKE it work, i have left the teleportation system up to you seeing as i am unsure what to do with the teleportation system myself.


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Nicely done!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 11, 2012 by Urza Flux

This is absolutely worth 300L, reasons....1. It's copiable, 2. They actually did a great job representing the oblivion gate, 3. Sculpted prims.

The price on this is fair for the product received.

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