G Generell

Eleganzia Micro Bra "Shiny" Bag (Maitreya,Belleza venus isis, freya, Slink physique hourglass)

Eleganzia Micro Bra "Shiny" Bag (Maitreya,Belleza venus isis, freya, Slink physique hourglass)

✫✫✫✫ Eleganzia Micro Bra "Shiny"✫✫✫✫

✫✫ Eleganzia original mesh ✫✫

A demo is available, please use it!

✫✫ Mesh Bra ✫✫

✫ Fitted mesh for Slink Physique,Hourglass
✫ Fitted mesh for Belleza Venus, Isis, Freya
✫ Fitted mesh for Maitreya

No alpha needed

✫✫✫✫ 80 colors base / hud + Extended hud with more colors ✫✫✫✫ Come with 2 differents huds a shiny one that looks more like silk & a shiny-latex hud for very shiny effect ✫✫✫✫

There is a setting notecard in the pack, please read it.

If you have any issue or bug with this item, please drop me a notecard with your concerns, and i'll answer you ASAP


Durchschnittliche Einstufung: voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 25.4.2017 von Circana

This bra is made wonderfully. Very fitting to my curvy Maitreya body. I do not get the shines, though I am sure that is because of my settings?? I can only assume. I didn't get the settings note card. Yes, I tried the demo, and yes it was shiny then. So I am unsure. 4 stars though, even if it's not shiny for myself.

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