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Elevator Unlocker Version 2.7.0

Elevator Unlocker

The Elevator Unlocker is required to unlock any Generation 2 elevator created by Union Micro. It generates a serial number that is tied to your avatar and will work in any Generation 2 elevator created by Union Micro that you own. This item is INCLUDED with the personal edition and builders' edition Script Packages.

* * This item only needs to be purchased if you received your elevator pre-installed in a building or prefab. * *

See video linked below as well as the installation instructions linked in the description of said video for more info.

No refunds on copyable items.

See item in Second Life View Video »
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OMG Listen everyone and including those that have negatively Rate this Item!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 20, 2017 by FrankTJZ Rasa

I have been using this same unlocker for more than 5 years and work perfect if you follow the instructions or go to the webpage and see it for yourself its so easy that my 12 yrs old son do it for me along just Buy it ,, Open Box...Send to Inventory,, Find it.. rezz it on land next to the elevator.click it get the new ID copy Now. with your zoom click inside the elevator where the no smoking sign is and open to edit, open the notecard
change the number or ID ,,, save!!! on the side of elevator is a grey like a box click it ,, menu open, click read configuration, when finish click it again and then click install dont rush now will take a couple of minutes let it finish wait until you see the elevator move by hiself a bit up and bit down and sets correctly, you GOT IT,,,SO NOW REMOVE THOSE BAD RATING AND DONT BLAME OTHERS FOR YOUR IGNORANCE,

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EA level of ripoff.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 15, 2014 by spiderfan117

Aside from the instructions being horribly out of date, the two hundred lindens this costs are better spent elsewhere. Unless you're on a no fly sim, don't bother with this. Just deal with the lack of elevator.

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Purchased 12.03.12 - I must agree the instructions are vague, and didnt work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 04, 2012 by Pierre Balehawk

Purchased 12.03.12 - I must agree the instructions are vague, and didnt work.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 19, 2012 by Emoki3 Byron

Worst thing ever dont work bad instructions totally sucks ass

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 24, 2010 by NeoGeo Xenno

Leider ein nötiges Muss für einige Aufzüge.
Da nur alles in English geschrieben ist, zu kompliziert. Eine Notecard in mehreren Sprachen würde diesem Unlocker gut tun.
Deshalb für Leute ohne (viel) Englischkenntnisse viel zu kompliziert.

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