nice price
Nice item for a nice price! Thanks!
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Doesn't fit slink :/
Nice skirt, would have looked really great with the outfit I had in mind, but unfortunately doesn't fit slink hourglass.
got what i paid for
the price is amazing but the size doesn't fit any other bodies I have. the idea of the gift is amazing but the fact that I paid and got nothing sucks
it's not use-able.
I have Maitreya and a fairly small person, but it won't fit for any of the included sizes. The band just digs into my body, or it's too far out from my body. In either case it's not something that I can wear. If it's free in world why not also make it free here?
Could be better.
Like the colour HUD, but sadly the black band is clipping too much on Maitreya.