Emoticon Particle HUD [V1-SKIN] 1.0 [CREATiCA]
- Please Guys Write a review!♡ ツ♡
-If you have any ideas for more addons for this Emoticon Particle HUD let us know!
Really funny toy ;3
Emoticon Particle HUD 1.0 has 20 changeable emoticons and no lag script.
-Show your emotions with Emoticons
-20 changeable Emoticons
-Particle with great effects
-You found error/bug? Please send IM or NC to DeathJoe Dudek with problem .
We appreciate it!
-no modify,copy,No Transfer
- -Show your emotions with Emoticons
- -20 changeable Emoticons
- -Particle with great effects
- -no lag script
like it :3
like it
like the textures of the particles but wish it would only emit a few particles per click and not all the time.