Sweet Tooth includes Hoodie, pants, goggles, and sneakers (high feet size)
Fitted sizes included for Maitreya, Legacy, Belleza Freya, Isis, and Slink Hourglass.
See item in Second LifeThank you
This outfit is one of my favourites for when I'm feeling more girlish. I don't understand the previous review. https://gyazo.com/26e8c51df87aeb68e211495d9092dd3d I didn't alpha anything at all.
Don't waste your Lindens
I purchased this outfit on March 20, 2021. Thought it looked really good in the picture which it does, but when I put the outfit on I had to literally alpha out most of my bum , arms and thighs so they wouldn't show through all the imperfection of this outfit. I'm not the one to tell anyone what to and what not to buy , but If it was me I wouldn't waste my Lindens on this particular outfit. *wish I could get my Lindens back*