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Epic Fireworks - Colorable, Resizable, Ultra-realistic

Epic Fireworks - Colorable, Resizable, Ultra-realistic
Epic Fireworks - Colorable, Resizable, Ultra-realistic
4 Reviews

Hello Visitor,

This is a project to create the most realistic firework effect in SL that is easy to set up, customize, scale, and is optimized for lag situations as much as possible.

Pictures can't capture the real effect. Please visit the inworld showroom!

Version 3.1
+ Boosted brightness
+ More consistent particle number on laggy sims
+ Improved giant explosions
+ Lens Flare

Version 2.9 (first release)
+ Epic visual effect and sound
+ Realistic, light-reflecting smoke-trails
+ Real light (point light) synced with explosions
+ Four rocket types, including ring and twister
+ Fully resizable to fit your scene
+ Create, change and load color schemes
+ One controller to manage all fireworks sim-wide

NOTE: optimized for medium settings (4096 particles at15 FPS). Sim/viewer lag affects quality, which I'm working on minimizing.

PRIM COST - 1 prim per launcher (comes in a 5-prim pack but it can be unlinked) and 1 prim for the controller. The controlled (Color Master) has to be rezzed. 6 LI is enough for a nice set of fireworks.

PERMISSIONS: prims are copy/mod, SCRIPTS ARE NO MOD!

Easy Installation
1. Rez one Color Master
2. Rez emitters sim-wide
3. Click the Color Master for scale and color settings

See item in Second Life
  • Epic visual effect and sound
  • Four explosion types including ring and twister
  • Fully resizable to fit your scene
  • Create, change and load color schemes
  • One controller to manage all fireworks sim-wide
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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These are really nice!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 30, 2018 by Niffarious

Thank you for making such nice fireworks! I didn't even bother coloring anything with the color thingy.. They are perfect as is, though its nice to have that option.

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The best fireworks in SL! ★★★★★
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 26, 2018 by Jonoes

I'm so glad I've found this. They are beautiful, easy to use with a hud for picking colors and turning them on /off. It is very simple. I must tell that they look awesome! The way the fade in and out are simply perfect! Also the sound and the steam makes the fireworks a way more real! I was looking for good quality fireworks for so long and I can tell you guys that I found it! Thanks Matt! You just created magic! I'm mesmerized looking at them! I'm in love with them!!! :D :D :D

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L$ 490

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Matt's Beach
Sold by: matthewaz

Land Required

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  • User Licensed
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