Event Kiosk Kit Version 2.5

This FREE (er,almost), FULL PERMISSION kit contains everything you need to make a very simple kiosk that gives out items with a couple extra nice features. It can optionally load a web page for people to browse as well as display group info so they can easily join your group.
To configure the kiosk, edit the notecard named ".settings" at the top of the kiosk contents list. If you don't have a website, delete the line starting with "URL=". Same for the group key. If you have neither, you can just delete the .settings notecard completely and it will just give out everything in it's inventory on touch.
When that's done, delete the sample Landmark and the "How to..." notecard, then drop items into the kiosk that you want to give out. All done!
Here are some other tips on making a great event ad kiosk:
* Make sure that the face of the prim with your texture on it is fullbright so that people can see it clearly if it's not high noon. It's surprising how many people don't do this and wind up with a dark kiosk no one can see at night.
* Use a 512x512 texture. DON'T put a 1024x1024 on it, that's overkill and will cause your kiosk to look like a big blur for far too long. People will move on and never see your kiosk! Try a 256x256 even, that will rez faster (that's a GOOD thing) and if your text looks nice and clear, it will work fine.
* Make sure everything in the kiosk, and the kiosk itself, is FULL PERMISSION and "Allow anyone to copy". You WANT people to copy your kiosk and be able to resize it to fit in their window/display space. It can't spread virally if it's not full perm. Don't make it paper thin, give it some thickness so people can make it smaller if they need to.
* Put a copy of the entire kiosk IN the kiosk itself. That will help spread your kiosk virally. So clickers get the kiosk contents AND the kiosk itself, in case they get excited about the event and want to help advertise.
* Don't make primmy kiosks. People with tiny shops and 2 prims free won't be able to help you advertise. Keep it simple, it's just a poster.
* Tip: Go pick up the free FrameWizard script at Crystal Gadgets if you'd like a nice border on your 1-prim box kiosk and still keep it 1 prim. This puts a nice wooden frame around your kiosk.
* Don't forget to advertise your event!
* never send group notices about your event without attaching your advertising poster.
Note that this system is not networked, so it's not suitable as a permanent, scalable distribution network for freebies. If you need a better kiosk system to give out information, freebies, magazines, etc., please click here for information on my Kiosk.Net networked distribution/advertising system.
Check out my other products and freebies here! Or visit the SasTech store in-world.
See item in Second Lifewow
very good products, really thanks for make it
Okay, so if you are looking for something that will teach you to build an actual kiosk, or at least what I think of as a kiosk, this probably isn't what you are looking for.
What this WILL do, however, is give you a dandy script to put in a sign, which will give people freebies, landmarks, and so on, invite them to load a webpage, and to join a group. It is easy to use, comes with instructions that even a newbie can follow, and is full perms and free.
This method of offering people things is much more polite, in my opinion, than the notecard, landmark, and group invitation snipers so many places put at their landing points. I know I get annoyed when I have to close multiple dialog boxes asking me to join this, look at that, donate to this, and so on, when I'm not even rezzed yet, and I imagine you do too. I want to look around, and then if I like what I see, I'll make an LM, maybe join a group, etc. This gives people the opportunity to do so, and since it is free, full perm, and only needs one prim, you can place a few around your sim, to make sure people don't miss them.
Bravo to Sasun for providing this for free. I can only imagine the person who gave it one star was rather like the person whose review I read regarding a rug texture. They complained that they only got a "picture" of the rug, and not the part "that makes it work." :)