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VIP Event Lighted Red Carpet, Velvet Ropes & Steps Version 2.0

VIP Event Lighted Red Carpet, Velvet Ropes & Steps

Looking to add glitz and glamour to your special event?
This VIP set is what you need.

Here's what you'll get:

1. Stairs/Steps - 2 Versions (Black & White)
- Black Stairs comes in 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps and 5 steps
- White Stairs comes in 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps and 5 steps

2. Plain Red Carpet (Modifiable) [1 Land Impact]
- You can stretch and modify this version to suit your needs

3. Tiny Lights (3 sizes) [1 Land Impact each]
- Small, Medium Large
- You can mix and match with the plain red carpet to create your very own lighted red carpet

4. Lighted Red Carpet - Short Version comes in Small, Medium & Large size [1 Land Impact each]

5. Lighted Red Carpet - Long Version comes in Small, Medium & Large size
- Large (3 Land Impact)
- Medium (2 Land Impact)
- Small (2 Land Impact)

6. Velvet Rope in 3 sizes (modifiable)

Note: If you purchased this item previously and did not get a re-delivery, please contact WhoNeedsAName Resident to get the latest version.

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looks ok
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 29, 2022 by oOPanChanOo

But a Little bit more Design will be cool. No Carpet in the World is only Flat. And the Stairs as Mesh Version will be better to Save Prims. The Primes time is over ithink.

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I've been CHASING Second Life for these lights, these specific lights for so long... :D
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 25, 2022 by Sebastyne Alpha

FINALLY, I found them. I don't know why I couldn't find the creator of the lights, but I've got them now. The red carpet will also come in handy one day. ;)

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Love This!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 10, 2022 by jromantic Halostar

Best runway carpet I've seen thanks a bunch love it!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 19, 2018 by Jade Foxpaws

Happy with this set. Everything is modifyable, textures are greyscale so you can apply the colors that will match your decor. Works perfectly for what I needed.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 05, 2018 by Tar Garnburg

At first, I was so confused how it works.
First, you will see ( Venue Product HUD (Wear Me) VIP Red Lighted Carpet + Steps ) in your received file. You need to click "Get My Product" button on the hud. The creator contacted me and explained how it works. He was super nice. This product is so awesome! Well deserved! =)

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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 27, 2017 by msegal

I saw this at a friends wedding and was impressed with the way she used it, decided I would go get one for myself for a 50's photo shoot with a glam look! I am impressed with how many different ways I can set this up! With Stairs without stairs, long or short.. with or with out the sparkles. GREAT versatility for only 99L! Thank you!

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