G Général

Excellion Blade Case v3.01

Excellion Blade Case v3.01


1. Introduction
2. Features
3. How to Use.
-3.1. Blade Lock.
4. Compatibility
5. Credits

Hello, my name is Victor Reisman. If you have purchased any other one of my blades, then you know its quality work. I work to make these blades the best they can be for a very reasonable price. Its because of you I build and script and animate. But enough about that and on to the main product. The Excellion Blade is a holy 3 edged spear with the element of Light. The spear empowers the user with grace and speed as you flawlessly rip through any opponent.

So let’s get to the good stuff, like what this thing can do. Well, I wanted it to be unique, not too realistic, and fun to wield. By double tapping jump, you can perform a sky Jump, and can continue to jump by constantly double tapping (If you’re really good, you'll never touch the ground. It’s also a fun method of travel). You can dash in any 4 main directions by tapping that direction twice. The obsidian blade can block projectiles by holding down either PgDwn or C (this throws up a temporary shield, and you can tell your blocking from the animation). This sword can also do combos, but more on that later. Finally, it has a special move, custom animations, and sound effects, all made by me.

The Excellion Blade has two stages, a ready to fight stance, and a fighting stance. When you draw the blade (click on the sheath and make sure you are wearing both the sheath and the blade) you go into the ready to fight stage. In this stage you may sky jump, dash, and block. When you click and hold the left mouse button on the ground or nearly anywhere, you go into the fighting stance. In this stance you can attack with combos, block or unleash a deadly special move . To get out of the fighting stance, simply release the left mouse button. You can also click on the sword in your hand when it’s drawn, to get a menu on which mode you would like to put the sword in; Regular or RP (the default is RP).

The controls (in fighting stance):
W , forward : tap to do a single slash
A, left : tap to do a left swipe
S, backwards : tap to do a kick
D, right : tap to do a right swipe

When in the fighting stance, you may tap a direction more than once, to pull off a combo. Each direction has three stages of moves leading for a multitude of combos.
Ex: W,A,A -> Stab, Right Slice, Divine Lancer
D,W,D -> Blunt Hit, Upwards Thrust, Holy Flash

To do the special, Simple press PgUp or E while in the fighting stance.
Divine Exaltation: Charge up a mass amount of divine energy and release it into a strong overwhelming beam that will cleanse anything caught in its path of retribution.

Holy Spheres: These spheres can be created by blocking projectiles with the shield. You can only have 5 out at a time. When doing the special, these spheres will seek out individual targets and fire their own beams before disappearing.


This is a new feature in all the blades in version 3.0. The blade lock happens when two blades from the 'Blade' series clash with each other at the same time. Both players are then flung into a frenzy of slashes. During this animation, both players must rapidly tap the W/Up Key. Whoever taps this key the fastest is the winner of the Blade Lock. The looser of the lock is then thrown back and stunned for 3 seconds. If both players do not reach the required count, then both players are flung back and stunned. There is a possibility that both players win the lock, in which case, no one is thrown back and stunned. A Blade Lock has a cool down time of 30 seconds before it can happen again.


The blade uses SL damage, so most combat systems will be affected. I have also added the RP mode so it will do sensors instead of rezzing a prim, this is mainly for most RP Sims and DCS. I have tested DCS, FFRC, and I have had great success. This sword WILL NOT work with C:SI, you've been warned.


Anime: for making me like this stuff
Myself: for not being lazy
LSL Wiki: for most of my troubleshooting
Friends: for scripting help when I was stuck
and You: for taking interest