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Exhibit building version 3 Version 3

Exhibit building version 3

REZ BOX is not mod, just the BUILDING itself is copy mod, once store is selected in the rez menu, after rezzing.
You can move the building by moving the rez box before you select store, the building will follow it.

Use your order history by clicking your name & then order history, to get another copy of the rez box from the marketplace, if required.

Updated redesign of the Exhibit building to reduce land impact & improve aesthetically. This building has many uses.Ideal for urban build sims.
The footprint is 55m by 40m & the land impact is now 80.
Looks best with advanced lighting on.
Packaged in a rez-faux box, press store to make the build copy/mod once in position.
You can get a free redelivery by clicking your name & then order history on the left of the page.

  • 80 land impact
  • 55m by 40m footprint
  • 6 exhibit floors
  • stairwell to floors
  • copy/mod once stored in rez menu.