1 x wood framed, mesh chalkboard art work with convex prim shadow. These have been set to copy/modify NO transfer.
The frame has been scaled to fit the art exactly, but you can resize. Please note, if you make this frame HUGE this will obviously increase the LI of the art. You can also unlink and delete the shadow, if desired.
I started this artwork with the plan of making a quick and simple, exclusively for Second Life. Well, I got involved and love this far too much. This is a quote, which resonates with me deeply. I therefore thought it a great place to start.
This was painted in Photoshop and will eventually be repainted for my real life art stores. You lucky duckies, get it first ;)
This is currently on display and on special offer at my in-world store.
Veja o item no Second Life- 1 x wood framed, mesh chalkboard artwork
- Textured with my work "Exquisite Beauty".
- Copy/Modify NO Transfer.
- The art is mesh, the shadow is convex prim and can be removed.
- 1 LI