Other colours are available (Sold Separately)
Greeter versions are also available (Sold Separately)
Simply Wear/Add your FAIR-E. It will attach to your left shoulder by default.
When done, your FAIR-E will choose a random name. Simply click on it to rename to your desired name.
After naming your fairy, you can chat to it by using its name. eg. If you named it as Fairy, you could type:
Fairy what day is it?
Sing me a song fairy
I love you fairy.
etc. Basically ask it anything*
The menu also has other options, which the full guide goes into in more detail.
To wear your FAIR-E, I suggest you right click it in your Inv and select ADD. This way it won't remove anything already attached to your left shoulder.
You may need to adjust its position according to your avatar size.
You can also Rez your FAIR-E in your home if you prefer.
You can also attach it to any other part of your body, and position it to suit if you wish.
You can make your FAIR-E larger by manually stretching it in edit mode.
Please note the FREE chatbot service can and does go down from time to time. You are paying for my time on time to create the product and not for the free chatbot service. I offer no support for this feature.
Thank you.
See item in Second Life- Built in chatbot (ask it anything)
- Chat on any channel
- Menu Controlled
- Gives out Gifts, LMs and NC's
- Fully animated and copyable
This fairy is so adorable; your friends can interact with said fairy once named etc; you can make fairy sprinkle dust on your friends.... it is so worth the L$650 and my fairy is proudly named Puck and enjoys being a little terror!