G Général

FLECHA Billboard Vertical

FLECHA Billboard Vertical

Billboard with script, in which you can show ads or posters with a face transition effect between each poster.

Realistic textures. Texture selector via menu.

This item is COPY + MODIFY, and the script is COPY ONLY.

-Drag inside the billboard, all the posters you want to show. These will be displayed with a fade transition.

-If you just put a texture inside, there will be no transition and that single poster will be displayed all the time

-If you delete all the textures inside, the billboard will show the default image until you put a texture back.


To access the menu, the owner can click on the billboard:

TEXTURES - Select between 4 different textures for your billboard: Metal, Silver, Wood and White

TIME - Select the time that each poster - ad will display, before transitioning to the next poster.


This billboard is MODIFY and COPY, you can change the color, size and even unlink the Billboard to your liking.

The script inside is just COPY. It is created to work with this billboard exclusively.

This is not a fullperm product, it is not intended to be resold. Any copy will be prosecuted with the appropriate legal methods.

Voir l'article dans Second Life