(FREE) Utility Bar - V2.3 (FREE)

U-Bar (v2.3)
by Phidian Krasner
SL Exotic Pets
U-Bar v2.3 - An advanced, menu based, utility HUD system.
Low profile, easy to use, full of features, and ya cant beat the price :P. I started working on it as an experiment for a new low-profile HUD methodology for upcoming products then it kinda morphed into what you have here. I just wanted a nice HUD system with all my favorite features in one place that didn't take up alot of room on my screen.
There is a built in feedback system that I have been making notes for future upgrades and additions so feel free to submit something :) Also be aware you can give it out to your friends with the built-in "Give Away" feature as well.
Yep, its free, no joke. I hope you all enjoy this product. -Phid
Group: SL Exotic Pets
Designer and Builder: Phidian Krasner
Color: Black/Silver
Prims: 33
Version: v2.3
Copy: Yes
Modify: No
Resell/Give: Yes (Via the menu option)
Share: No
Scripts: Many Many Many
Interface1: HUD
Interface2: Left-Click button control
U-Bar Details:
# Overview: #
U-Bar is a HUD system with a variety of useful functions/features. The system was designed to be as user friendly and intuitive as possible. Who likes reading manuals?
Simply click the main HUD bar to Open/Close the menu system.
Once open simply navigate the menu system and select the utility/function you wish.
(FYI) Some functions like Move-Lock and Flight Assist are common in other tools, be aware if you notice any odd behavior check to see if you already have an attachment with a similar function that may be the source of conflict. U-Bar is a nice centralized source for many great features/utilities.
# Details, for those of you who like details... #
Menu #1 - Offense
- Simply put, select this option and choose your target, they will die. This feature is only effective in regions where sim damage is enabled. If you are in an area where sim damage is not enabled all that you will see is a pretty particle effect at your targets position with a nice "boom" sound to go along with. You also must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Select this and choose your target, a crystalline cage will form around your target preventing them from moving. If they try to get out... the cage will attempt to follow them. It will remain on your target for 1-minute, if you wish it gone sooner just select "Abort Active Attacks". You also must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- This option will instantly push away people (with gentle nudges) within 15m of you, giving you that extra breathing room you so desire. You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Select this option and choose your target, your target will start slowly lifting up, up, and away... You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Select this option and choose your target, a dark cloud of mist will form around your target. The mist will remain for 1 minute, less if you select the "Abort Active Attacks" button. You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Ouchy... Select this option and choose your target for a storm cloud to form and start chasing your victim. With realistic thunder and lightning this storm also packs a punch in damage enabled areas. Your target will certainly feel like there in the center of a massive storm. The storm will remain active for about 30 seconds; however you can abort this attack like the others with the "Abort Active Attacks" button. You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Humorous option here; select a target and a wispy mist will form above your target dropping colorful glass marbles on your victims head. The mist and marbles will follow your victim around for 1 minute, or shorter if you hit the "Abort" button. You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- Got a griefer on your hands and you want others to be aware of his/her presence? Slap this on them and they wont be hard to miss, It will remain active for 1 minute, shorter if you select to abort the attack with the "Abort Active Attacks" button. You must be in an area that allows building/rezzing objects and running scripts.
- If you haven't figured that one out by now... :)
Menu #2 - Defense
- Its a basic shield, it forms around you and is invisible
!Woot! SL Marketplace chopped of the remaining description... /sarcasm
thank you
thank you for this convenient tool for one who usually doing work in sandbox :)
especially the griefer flag, it's really wonderful.
I've recommoned some friends to get this tool, you really do a helpful job :D
Just perfect!
I'm more than 9 years old in SL, use to make Free avatars from scratch for people I know, This HUD is on my "must have" list. If you're new or old, just grab one!
You've got anything you need!
L$ 0
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- User Licensed