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FTB - Tattoo & Appliers: Full Body ~ MESS ~ Version 1

FTB - Tattoo & Appliers: Full Body ~ MESS ~

╔═════════ FADE2BLACK ═══════════╗


This Tattoo is ONLY for Maitreya, Belleza, Omega Appliers and Non Mesh body's ONLY.

Appliers Hud Omega system ( for compatible body )



-For the Omega users:

Once bought, wear the applier you bought from the omega store and one of the appliers you bought from me and use these to apply the tattoo on your mesh body by selecting the tattoo layer on the Omega HUD.

Soon there will be a in-world store but as we are only NEW, I will be putting most of my Efforts into Tattoo / Clothes / Accessories making.

For any Questions/Requests/Suggestions regarding my products/store or any other stuff that comes up please Message me or leave me a notecard:

Thanks for Viewing.

Future in-world Store, Coming Soon
