FULL PERM Mesh_FloatingTerrain_Arid
.Builder Kit
.100% MESH
Size Land X64. / Y64. / Z16.
Walkable Very beautiful and realisti Mesh Terrain Arid
Ideal for a land floating in the sky Size_Width 64M Length 64M Height Mountains 16M.
You can walk on the ground just like a land_Strong PHYSICS!
High Quality LOD.
Copy ☑
Modfy ☑
Transfer ☑
High quality Map
.Normal Map
.Textures Map
.Shaded Map
.All map 1024 X 1024 PNG
.High Quality MESH
.High Quality LOD
.High Quality PHYSICS
.Land Impact 21
Please do not sell FULLPERM.
Do not sell to 0 Linden.
Distribute this product with your own texture You can not distribute AO Map
Distribute this product part of your creations.
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" "transfer / no copy no mod".
Come and see the demo in the store.
Thank you!
See item in Second LifeThis one is awesome!
It can save u tons of L$! And you get beautiful landscapes as YOU like!
BOOOM Really no fake, I love it!