G General

[FYI] Mingo Color Change Cave 1.0.2 (CM)

[FYI] Mingo Color Change Cave 1.0.2 (CM)

Adaptive color changing system makes it super easy to change the color of this cave! It is white by default, but edit it in your build tools, and all the in world lights and particles also change colors!

This cave is compatible with the [FYI] Cave System, so it will work with [FYI] Tunnel Kits and [FYI] Terrain Kits that are also a part of the [FYI] Cave System.

The cave is roughly a little under 40m x 40m, but you can make this crystal cave larger if you like.

Please come see it in world. You can find all other [FYI] Cave System compatible kits in a single vendor which rezzes demos as well as has convenient links to the marketplace listing. The in world demo is white to show you that you can change the colors how you like with this crystal grotto.

You can find other compatible [FYI] Cave System components by searching for #fyicavesystem

See item in Second Life
  • Compatible with [FYI] Cave System
  • Adaptive Color System makes it easy to customize the appearance of this cave
  • #fyicavesystem