Another addition to the FYI Mesh Sewer and Bunker Tunnel System!
This intersection is designed to allow you to stack your tunnels more dynamically than if you were to use the slope pieces included with the kit.
It is compatible with other products in the FYI Sewer Tunnel System and works with the other Sewer Tunnel kits.
You can use this as a nice sewer room and an intersection.
You can find other comaptible [FYI] Sewer System components by searching marketplace for #fyisewersystem
See item in Second Life- Compatible with [FYI] Sewer and Bunker Tunnel System
- HDX Baked Textures
- Realistic sounds
- Use this with the FYI Sewer Tunnel System and create your own unique labyrinth
- #fyisewersystem
Never go wrong with FYI products! Spent 20K L or more - don't regret a single L spent!
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