A dirty Nuka Cola vending machine from fallout 3. dispenses nuka cola and nuka cola Quantum.
Made from sculpts and well textured, only 2 prims.
The vending machine is no mod. copy, but the bottles inside are copy trans no mod.
Hope you enjoy the new sculpty updated, its a little more expensive but I think its well worth it :)
Meh. Save your lindens..
The machine it self look decent but not what i would call good.
It really sucks that these are NO Copy and NO Modify,
i could make things better my self if they were not this restricted.
The bottles could need a little bit of loving to be honest.....
They are very plane and miss shaped in my opinion,
so spend your 100 Lindens on something else ;)
Don't waste your hard earned lindens on this. The Machine looks like crap and the Nuka Cola logo doesn't blink or glow at all, looks boring. The bottles can only be worn on your character, placing them on the ground as decorations will glitch the drinking script out, no way to remove the script either due to No Mod...
Worst mistake ever.....
As soon as I bought this and rezzed it to the ground it disappeared since I was in a no rez zone and now it's forever gone what a waste of 100L$. Pro tip don't buy any furniture that isn't copy or you might end up like me =/
Could be better
It is a very good build... however if loses rating from me due to the fact you only have one machine and if that goes its gone forever. Make it a Copyable build and it would get higher ratings from me
is a excelent machine
i love this machine of nuka cola
¿is possible to make it copy only?
need a new copy of it
i loved this However some one Greifed the Sim i had it in and it got Deleted if i could get a redelivery It be nice.