This is without doubt the awesomest, fastest-spinning, and guaranteed the most annoying fidget spinner in the whole metaverse. The pack includes 10 versions with all the basic colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, grey and black. Get them now!
Wear and click to activate/deactivate. Contains priority 6 animations that will work together with your AO. The animations are right-handed only. The script is Full-Perm for the script-savvy to modify the behavior.
* Disclaimer - The animations are No Mod. Spinner placement is set to fit between the regular Slink hand thumb and index finger. For other hands, the spinner needs slight repositioning in Edit.
See item in Second LifeFun and Colorful!
I actually have a few of these in RL so why not SL too? Can't wait until I go to a party holding this. LOL!
Great product!
Does and acts like it says. Looks great spinning too. Lots of motion blur.
Great price
Spins rather fast, I wish there were different speeds to choose from, But this is a great deal, they look great and it works as promised.
love them!
Wow very kool nicely scripted lots of fun and wow only 10L Awesome