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Final Saiyan HUD v3.0

Final Saiyan HUD v3.0

This is a Final HUD for all Saiyan....with only 1 attachment and 1 hud you can have 14 attacks and more the "Speedy Cloud HUD", "Instant tramission HUD" and "Ms. Satan HUD". All with a simple click on hud.
The attack are:
- Kamehameha
- Makamkosappo
- Big Bang Attack
- Big Bang Kamehameha
- Thunder Flash Attack
- Antenna Beam
- Single MAchine Gun
- Big Machine Gun
- Following Energy
- Ki push
- Chocolate Beam
- Final Flash
- Wolf Fang Fist
- Time Freeze

For use this weapons click on hud, after go in mouselook and click mouse button ^^ simple to use....
No more problems of free attachment to wear your weapons because is only 1 attachment!! And are frequently update to add new weapons and utility in this hud...

Dragonball , dragon ball , Goku , Sayan , Majin bu - buu , dragonballZ , Vegeta , Guldo , Junior , Piccolo , Ki Blast , Kamehameha , Gotenks , Freezer

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 12, 2015 by DiegoMousieRascil

The hud is almost completly broken; i tested it out in sandbox and almost every single one of the damn things work at all; the ONLY thing that works is the instant transmission and the hercule bomb and THAT.IS.IT. DO NOT BUY THIS IT IS A WASTE OF 5,500 LINDEN!!!!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 31, 2014 by MaceMontana

I will change my review when I have had some help/customer support.
The only thing that works is instant transmition, and even thats not the best, very laggy and does not really put you next to the person.
why does no other move work???

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Great fun, but not worth the cost
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted December 17, 2011 by feltrockni

The attacks are great and work flawlessly, but there's not real decent explosions of any kind. Most other DBZ attacks give you these magnificent blasts when it hits, but this one is only the attacks, not the actual explosion. However... most of these are particle based so you can hit someone with a kamehameha almost anywhere.

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Great and simple to use!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 01, 2011 by XDillonX

this hud is really fun and easy to use. only thing that could make it better is more attacks like the spirit ball, or the super ghost kamakazie attack. all in all its a great item and great for messing around with your friends with! especially when you turn people into chocolate!!

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