2010this is a great box with all you need for building great fireplaces,campfire,lava,candle etc etc etc
here you will find:
7 animated fire flames and lava texturesreal animation!!!!!
15 alpha flame textures
9 seamless fire textures
3 sounds
smoke script
sculpted campfire(logs)-1 prim and map
sculpted campfire with smoke-only 4 prims campfire!!
and some more scriptsfor textures and sound
everything very easy to use,good quality
all full perm
not for resell
you may sell all you build with the textures etc but not
the textures
fire textures,flame textures,animated fire textures,fire sound,fire script,sculpted campfire,animated textures
Great item!!!
Just was I was looking for and more too! Thank you :)
wonderfull pack!!!!the textures are really good and the sculpted logs for fire place and campfire is great,looks like a 4 prim but is only one,and the sample is perfect to give us an idea for making our campfire,thanks for this pack!!5 stars!!